Thursday, May 25, 2017

uPdAtE dAy

Heyo Jammers! :D It's Tiger here, and today, I'm quite excited. It's update day!
I didn't watch the spoiler, but I'm guessing that coyotes are here, so let's go! :D
Yup, I knew it! Can't wait to get my coyote! :DDDD
It's hiiigh nooooon y'all
so go grab your wild west gear now
TWICE IN A ROW (I think... lol)?!?!?!??!?!
I cAn FiNaLlY gEt ThE sIlVeR aNd GoLd ElF tAiL aRmOuR
r.i.p. lions 2k17
*starts begging parents and is disappointed when they say no*

Then there's some stuff about the summer carnival and Eggstravaganza, but yeah, that's basically it :D

I'm in such a good mood right now and I don't know why so I'm not going to complain about how almost nothing happened in this update but instead thank AJHQ for trying their best and keeping this game running for us :D

Thanks guys!

If you haven't already, go check out my art contest down below! The winner receives a yellow short collar, so don't delay! >>

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Art Contest

Hi guys! It's me again, and today I've decided to host an art contest! :D I'd like you to draw my main outfit, the snow leopard (picture below). The winner will receive a yellow short collar (the one I got from Bepper), and it ends when I get 20 entries. I am only accepting art in masterpiece form, reason described in this link and this link. I do make some exceptions, and if you're non-member or I have given you permission then send the art to Send masterpieces to tiger07737. I will post the entries below :D

Entry by Custard709

Entry by wondercow

Entry by lpslover98989

 Entry by sarahkey8

 Entry by henrythegreat4

 Entry by docterhooves48031

 Entry by taytay333 Entry by superkitten200

 Entry by gavinchina

 Entry by infinitycottonrose

 Entry by kitty0606

 Entry by Koaalaee

 Entry by animallea123

 Entry by 27echo27

 Entry by Ticketer Entry by festivitiez

 Entry by alexa0034

Friday, May 12, 2017


Well, guys.
I got tagged.
So here ya go.

1. If you could speak any language, which language would you want to speak?
F r e n c h

2. If you could teleport to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Probably London. I've always wanted to see London lol

3. You have to choose to live in some fictional land, which one do you choose? (Narnia, worlds from Star Wars, etc.)

4. What's your favorite Bible verse?
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." -- Matthew 19:26

5. If there's one thing in the world you could change, what would it be?

6. What mythical invention would you want? (The Blogger Portal, a time traveling machine, etc.)
I'd want a TARDIS :D

7. You just inherited 10 million dollars. What do you do with it?
Give 1 million to the church
Give 1 million to charity
Use 1 million to buy things off of Amazon
Save 7 million

8. Which convention would you want to go to, and why? (JamCon, VidCon, etc.)
I know it doesn't exist but BloggerCon because why not

9. If you could only have one book, which would it be?
Dragonspell by Donita K. Paul

10. Who's your best friend, and why do you look up to them?
I have no friends

11. What's your favorite hobby?
Probably reading, writing, or drawing